TAPA BLANDA, LIBRO USADO, RECUERDA QUE EL 10% DE ESTA VENTA COLABORA CON FUNDACIONES QUE FOMENTAN LA LECTURA EN ZONAS VULNERABLES. Origami is an ancient Japanese craft that has grown into a 21st-century art form. In this fabulous book, traditional classics, such as the famous Japanese crane, sit side-by-side with modern pieces designed by one of the world's most respected origamists. Modular pieces and cute creatures alike are included in this all-encompassing collection of paperfolds. Over 80 projects are divided into seven sections: Traditional; Animals, People and Flowers; Toys, Games and Action; Party Tricks; Practical; Decorative; and Modular. Each different stage is photographed and clearly described to ensure the projects are as straightforward as possible. Whether you want to make amazing paper Peace Dove or Masu Box, origami animals or action toys, this acclaimed handbook has something for everyone.