TAPA DURA , LIBRO USADO, RECUERDA QUE EL 10% DE ESTA VENTA COLABORA CON FUNDACIONES QUE FOMENTAN LA LECTURA EN ZONAS VULNERABLES. Packed with information not widely available, The History of Black Business offers a panoramic view of African-American-owned business never before published. The book provides several frameworks with which to view Black business. First, the history of African-American-owned businesses before 1970 is chronicled with a plethora of success stories from before the American Revolution through Slavery and Reconstruction to the Civil Rights Movement. The last three decades of Black business development are explained using a comprehensive growth framework of Black business competition, citing dozens of examples and success stories. The last two sections of the book reviews ten of the most fascinating African-American-owned businesses in the world, including Johnson Products, BET, Harpo, Inc., Johnson Publishing, North Carolina Mutual, TLC Beatrice and the original Motown Recording Studios. Book jacket.